Logarithm review videos: New and improved!

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Logarithm definition

\( \ln e^x = e ^ {\ln 4} \)
What is x?

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Log rule 1: Addition and multiplication

Expand: \( \ln (x(x+4)(x-2)) \)

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Combine: \( \ln(2x+3) + \ln(x-5) \)

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Log rule 2: Subtraction and division

Expand: \( \ln \left( \frac{(x+2)(x-2)}{x(x-4)} \right) \)

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Combine: \( \ln(2x+3) + \ln(x-3) - \ln(x+2) - \ln (x-10) \)

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Log rule 3: multiplication and powers.

Expand: \( \ln \left( \frac{(x+2)^3(x-2)}{x^2(x-4)} \right) \)

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Combine: \( 2\ln(x) + \ln(x-3) - \ln(x+2) - 4\ln (x+1) \)

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