Practice questions:

The problems will be similar to these two problems from the last practice assignment, with the addition of part C for each which is new.

5A. For the circled similar part of this Sierpinski triangle, tell the scale factor needed to enlarge it to the whole triangle, and the number of copies needed to create the whole triangle.

B. Compare the number of copies for this scale factor to the copies needed for a 1D and 2D shape. What does this tell about the fractal dimension of the Sierpinski triangle?

C. Extra credit: what is the self-similarity dimension of this fractal?

6A. For the smaller, similar part circled in this fractal, tell the scale factor to enlarge it to the larger whole curve, and the number of copies needed to create the larger whole curve.

B. Compare the number of copies for this scale factor to the copies needed for a 1D and 2D shape. What does this tell about the fractal dimension of this fractal?

C. Extra credit: what is the self-similarity dimension of this fractal?
