We are studying self-similar fractals right now.

On the next quiz, you will be asked to do the following thing for one or two fractals:

1. Draw out the next iteration, after you have been shown the first 2 or 3 iterations.

2. Make a table and figure out a formula for the length of a fractal.

3. Circle a part or parts that are similar to the whole (but are smaller than the whole)

Sample problems:

1. This fractal rule for the fractal Cantor dust is: take out the middle third or each segment in the previous iteration.

A. Draw the next iteration of the fractal

iteration 0
iteration 1
iteration 2

B. Complete the table below, and explain your rule for finding the numbers that go in the table

iteration number number of pieces length of each piece total length
0 1 1 m. 1 m.

2. The fractal rule for the Koch curve is to replace each segment with a new shape (shown below) which is formed by erasing the middle third, and putting in two segments that would make an equilateral triangle in its place:

Segment was:

Changed to:

A. Draw the next iteration:

iteration 0
iteration 1
iteration 2

B. Complete the table below, and explain your rule for finding the numbers that go in the table

iteration number number of pieces length of each piece total length
0 1 1 1

3. In this Koch curve, circle a piece that is the same shape as the whole curve.

4. The fractal rule for the Sierpinski triangle is to replace each (point up) triangle with a new shape (shown below) which is formed by connecting the midpoints of its sides, and erasing the middle, leaving 3 smaller triangles:

triangle was

Changed to:

A. Draw the next iteration:

iteration 0
iteration 1
iteration 2

B. Complete the table below, and explain your rule for finding the numbers that go in the table

iteration number number of sements length of each segment total length
0 3 1 m 3

C. Circle a piece that is the same shape (but smaller) as the whole shape.

Sierpinski triangle
