If you want a review of Mayan numbers and what we did in class, you can look at what I wrote in class, and you can check out these web sites:
Maya mathematics, and Mayan Math.  There are lots of other web sites out there, but the other web sites I looked at were doing things a bit differently than we did in class in two ways:
--some web sites write the Mayan numbers horizontally.  That's an alternate way to write the numbers, but we only did the vertical notation in class.
--some web sites use the place value variation 1-20-360 instead of 1-20-400.  That is historically accurate, and how the Mayans represented numbers when working with calendars.  I'm not a Mayan expert enough to tell you what's the best way to think about Mayan arithmetic from a cultural perspective, but I'm a math teacher expert enough to know that 1-20-400 is less confusing to teach and learn, so that's what we're doing in this class, and what I expect you to know how to do for this quiz.

Practice problems
1. Write the following numbers in the Mayan number system
A. 17

B. 256

C. 2,560

D. 5,506

E. 27,975

F. 94,932

2. Convert these Mayan numbers into regular Hindu-Arabic numbers:

questions A and B
