Fibonacci resources:

Fibonacci numbers, part 1:

Read here about Fibonacci numbers
Here's another good site
About Fibonacci the person

Homework: Find a pinecone, pineapple or daisy (or something similar, with spirals). Use white-out or something similar to draw a spiral on it in the way shown here or in the book, and bring it to class. Bring a ruler and a calculator to class.

Fibonacci numbers, part 2:

At the same Fibonacci numbers site as yesterday, you can read about the Fibonacci spiral, and how Fibonacci numbers relate to the golden ratio.
You can also read about Fibonacci numbers in section 2.2 of your text, and you can read about the golden rectangle in section 4.3

Fibonacci numbers, part 3: The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci NIM

I thought this site showing the Golden ratio in practice was interesting
You can play Fibonacci NIM on the web here

Old practice pages

Practice page 1

Practice page 2

Practice page 3

Study page 1

Study page 2

Basics page

A golden ratio assignment