Fibonacci Assignment:

*Look up, and find pictures of things in nature that show the Fibonacci numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13

* Figure out by trying some examples what Fn-1+ Fn + Fn+1 = and explain how you can be sure.

*Section 2.2 # 7 and 8: Find the pattern and explain your work so I can see how you discovered it.

*#10: Don't forget to do the "try two more numbers of your choice" part of the problem

*# 11 (Additional hint--what happens if you divide the sum by 5?)

*Explain why you get a Fibonacci pattern from the following problem:

A boat building company makes two kinds of boat:
a canoe, which takes a month to make and
a sailing dinghy and they two months to build.

The company only has enough space to build one boat at a time but it does have plenty of customers waiting for a boat to be built.
Suppose the area where the boats are built has to be closed for maintenance soon:

if it is closed after one more months work, the builders can only build one boat - a canoe - before then. Let's write this plan as C;
if it is to be closed after 2 months work, it can EITHER build 2 canoes (CC) OR ELSE build one dinghy (D), so there are two plans to choose from;
if it closed in three months time, it could make 3 canoes (CCC) or a dinghy followed by a canoe (DC) or a canoe and then a dinghy (CD); so there are three choices of plan.
What choices are there if it closed after 4 months?
... or after 5 months?
... or after n months?